Microarray ISH Data MRI Download Brain Explorer Documentation Help
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Allen Human Brain Atlas
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About the ISH data

High-resolution in situ hybridization image data covering selected genes in specific brain regions

  • Neurotransmitter Study: 176 genes across cortical regions and 88 genes across subcortical regions in 4 control cases
  • Cortex Study: 1,000 genes in visual and temporal cortices in multiple adult control brains
  • Subcortex Study: 55 genes across subcortical regions and 10 additional genes in hypothalamus in one male and one female donor
  • Schizophrenia Study: 60 genes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of over 50 control and schizophrenia cases
  • Autism Study: 25 genes in frontal, temporal and occipital cortical regions of 11 control and 11 autism cases

About the Allen Human Brain Atlas

A unique multimodal atlas of the human brain, integrating anatomic and genomic information


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